The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck副标题:无作者: Mark Manson内容简介:In this generation-defining self-help guide, a superstar blogger cuts through the crap t
The Son of Neptune副标题:无作者: Rick Riordan内容简介:Percy is confused. When he awoke from his long sleep, he didn’t know much more than his name. His brain
The Game副标题:无作者: Neil Strauss内容简介:Nothing you have heard about The Game will prepare you for it.Neil Strauss reveals the bizarre world of the pick-u
The Blood of Olympus副标题:无作者: Rick Riordan内容简介:Though the Greek and Roman crewmembers of the Argo II have made progress in their many quests, they st
Play Anything副标题:无作者: Ian Bogost内容简介:How filling life with play—whether soccer or lawn mowing, counting sheep or tossing Angry Birds—forges a new pa
Predator's Gold副标题:无作者: Philip Reeve内容简介:When Tom and Hester's scrapyard aircraft is pursued by rocket-firing gunships, they seek sanctuary in the s
Mortal Engines副标题:无作者: Philip Reeve内容简介:Mortal Engines launched Philip Reeve's brilliantly imagined creation, the world of the Traction Era, where m
MH 4 The Fifth Witness副标题:无作者: Michael Connelly内容简介:Mickey Haller has fallen on tough times. He expands his business into foreclosure defense, only
MH 2 The Brass Verdict副标题:无作者: Michael Connelly内容简介:A bullet speaks louder than words . . . when Lincoln lawyer Mickey Haller and LAPD Detective Har
The Mass Effect Chronicles 4-Book Bundle: Revelation, Ascension, Retribution, Deception副标题:无作者: 51epub.com内容简介: 探索宇宙奥秘,体验史诗冒险——不容错过的《The Mass Effect
MacTalk·人生元编程副标题:无作者: 池建强 著内容简介:池建强,70后程序员,Blogger,微信平台MacTalk作者。先后任职洪恩软件和用友集团,从事互联网和企业应用软件研发,目前担任瑞友科技IT应用研究院技术负责人。热爱技术和编码工作,Apple和Google产品重度用户,分享技术
JP4-No Man's Land副标题:无作者: David Baldacci内容简介: 探索未知,勇闯无人之地——《JP4-No Man's Land》深度推荐与种草亲爱的读者朋友们,今天我要向您倾情推荐一本极具想象力、充满冒险精神和人性探索的科幻巨作——《JP4-No Man's Land
JP2-The Forgotten副标题:无作者: David Baldacci内容简介:In Paradise, nothing is what it seems...THE FORGOTTENArmy Special Agent John Puller is the best there i
巨兽X6副标题:无作者: [美]杰里米•罗宾逊内容简介:引子香港“来人,让这婊子闭嘴。”沉重的殴打声传来,被锁住的女人呻吟了两下便不再出声。这是场杀鸡儆猴的表演,目的在于提醒其他人不要再发出任何声响,甚至连呼吸声也要放轻。死寂般的沉默中,叫作“铁皮”的男人蹲下身,伸出脏手抓过女人的下巴,使劲摇晃
How to:如何不切实际地解决实际问题副标题:无作者: 兰道尔·门罗内容简介:前言你好!这是一本专出馊主意的书。至少,大部分都是馊主意,也有可能不小心会掺了几个好的。如果是这样,我表示歉意。有些听起来很荒谬的主意,最后却被人发现是一场革命。在被感染的伤口上抹霉菌听起来太不靠谱了,可是青霉素的发
George's Marvellous Medicine副标题:无作者: Roald Dahl; Quentin Blake内容简介:SUMMARY: George's grandma is a grizzly, grumpy, selfish woman with pale brown tee
Fresh Off the Boat副标题:无作者: Eddie Huang内容简介:"Long before I met him, I was a fan of his writing, and his merciless wit. He's bigger than food.&qu
不可容忍的巴辛顿·译言古登堡计划副标题:无作者: [英]赫克托•休•芒罗(Hector Hugh Munro);陈露芸、郝爽翻译内容简介:《不可容忍的巴辛顿》是萨基的第一部长篇小说,描述的是英国上流社会一对姓巴辛顿的母子之间的故事。母亲贪慕虚荣,一心希望儿子能够娶个有钱的女孩,过上衣食无忧的生活
上苍选了你:全民女孩Selina的地狱90天副标题:无作者: 张承中内容简介:《上苍选了你:全民女孩Selina的地狱90天》是一本张承中(Selina的未婚夫)所写;关于selina从上海拍戏灼伤到出院的90天连续日记,透过他的近身记录,真实呈现,她所受到的苦,一个胆小、怕鬼、爱哭、又爱漂亮的
上岭阉牛副标题:无作者: 凡一平内容简介:《上岭阉牛》收录了凡一平中短篇悬疑小说代表力作:《上岭阉牛》《寻枪记》《韦五宽的警察梦》等。这些小说皆具悬疑色彩,剧情反转不断,通过几起案件侦破的故事深刻揭示了人性及社会生活的真相,小人物在善与恶边缘的挣扎,所坚守的梦想与情感看起来似乎都那么不堪一击。